頼れる仲間プルト君)また会えるよね RT_@tiniasobu
2023年子どもの日 リンク修正しました
短い間に、32万人ものみなさんにみていただいた ゆーちゅーぶ 上の 「頼れる仲間プルト君――プルトニウム物語」は、どうねん が解散したあとの業務をひきついでいるらしい独立行政法人からの指摘とやらで削除されました。
Our Reliable Friend (an animation made by the Japanese Government to
convince people that it is safe to drink plutonium)
um Story (1993)
April 21, 2011 Films & Videos, Japanese, Web Resources
D醇vryokuro Kakunenry醇v kaihatsu jigy醇vdan 動力炉・核燃料開発事業団 [Japan Power Reactor
and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation]. 1993. Tayoreru Nakama
Pur醇液okun: Purutoniyumu Monogatari 頼れる仲間プルト君 ?プルトニウム物語 [Trust your
Friend Pluto-kun: A Plutonium Story]. YouTube video, 10: 52, posted by
“chiniasobu,” Mar 28, 2011,
This short promotional film is one of many of its kind that have been
produced over the last four decades in order to dissuade the public from
the idea that nuclear energy could be anything but safe and clean. This
particular film was commissioned by the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel
Development Corporation (today’s Japan Atomic Energy Agency) and 250
copies were distributed to public relations facilities such as atomic
energy museums or in the visitor centers of nuclear power stations. The
lead character is the friendly and cute Pluto-kun, sporting a baseball
helmet with the element symbol, Pu. He tells the mostly young target
audience that he is saddened by his negative image. He regrets that he
was first deployed in the nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and
he stresses that he dislikes war and loves his work in peaceful energy
Pluto-kun, representing the nuclear industry, feels misunderstood and
invites viewers to follow the “real story of plutonium.” Accompanied by
cheerful music, such as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” Pluto-kun
assures that no atom bomb could be built from nuclear waste, and that
the theft of plutonium is impossible. If ingested, the young Japanese
audience is told, no harm to the health is done because plutonium will
be expelled from the body (in the bathroom). The viewers are told that
while not lethal, people should avoid inhaling plutonium or letting it
come into contact with the bloodstream, as the element can accumulate in
lymph nodes and organs and emit alpha waves. Viewers are also told that
extrapolations from animal tests suggest that a causal link between
plutonium and known cancer cases in humans is “absolutely” unthinkable.
Pluto-kun raises an important question: Is plutonium really something
that humans cannot control with great wisdom? ?Christian Dimmer
Please contact teach3eleven [at] gmail.com if you are interested in a
collaboration to make English subtitles for this film for educational