4 Oct. 2013) Presentation on #Amami #Okinawa Studies in #Jeju Symposium RT @tiniasobu
I am invited to give a presentation in Jeju Island early October, and here is the programme.The 2nd ...
Articles) Takako ANKEI's works on African ethnobiology and ethnoecology (English, French and Japanese)
You may download from the following sites.Cookbook of the Songola: An Anthropological Study on the T...
Article) Quelques notes sur la relation dite de "symbiose"
Quelques notes sur la relation dite de ”symbiose” : le cas des chasseurset pe^cheurs africainsde Ank...
Document) Kamangu Epic of the Songola (DR Congo) an outline
This is a memorandum on the heroic epics of the Songola people in thedemocratic republic of Congo.Th...
Article) Nomenclatures compare'es de mammife`res dans deux langues bantoues: songola (D24) et ombo (C69)
Ankei, Y. Nomenclatures comparee´s de mammife’res dans deux langues bantoues:Songola (D-24) et Ombo ...
Article) Connaissance populaire du poisson chez les Songola et les Bwari (Y. Ankei 1986)
C’est pour faciliter les e’tudiants qui assisteraient a l’e’coled’e’te’ d’ethnobiologie au Gabon. A ...
Yamaguchi Studies) Text on Miyamoto Tsuneichi for 23 May 2013
Students attending my class of Yamaguchi Studies can download the pdf file attached to this site. ...
Selected readings on the handicapped in Japan
This page is for students from the Centre College attending Ankei Yuji’sclass of Japanese Anthropolo...
Mottainai and EcoAction21 in YPU campus
This is a power point presentation to introduce YPU’s environmental policyto exchange students arriv...