12/7 修正 Orthodox Christians
を ギリシャ正教徒 と訳したみたのでしたが、ブルガリア正教などもありつつ、地名がつかないのが正式だと知って、正教徒 に訳し直しました。
12/21 修正 ガザ救援を叫んでいたイスラム教徒の女性が ← イスラム教徒が抜けていました。
15年にわたって、このプログラムをしかけてきた、ボストン大学の Adam Seligman
教授が、 フルブライトの客員教授として、山口県立大学にこられます(2017年1月から3月)
CEDAR: Communities Engaging with Difference and Religion
How can we share our world peaceably with people who are not like us
Imagine a radical Muslim activist from the UK, organizer of
anti-Israel demonstrations and Relief for Gaza convoys, who finds herself in
a program with Zionists, calls home in a quandary about what to do . . . and
ends the program saying, “I learned I could be friends with people I hate.”
Think of the personal and theological chagrin of a conservative
Catholic priest from Africa who has to confront deeply pious transgendered
Muslims in Indonesia . . . and returns home to organize just such encounters
with difference in his home country.
Consider the Italian teacher who, after spending two weeks with
Muslims, Orthodox Christians, Protestants, and Jews in Bulgaria, returns to
Rome and begins a campaign to restructure multicultural education in her
school: to stop sweeping difference under the carpet, and instead allow the
students’ families to encounter the many and diverse communities to which
they belong.
In 2003 CEDAR launched its first two-week program in Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Croatia, creating a unique model for people with divergent
religious identities to live with, recognize, and learn about “the other”
together. Since then it has met annually in countries ranging from Bulgaria
to Britain, Israel to Indonesia, Uganda to the United Statesdrawing a total
of more than 400 students, professionals, and religious and civic leaders
from 50 countries.
Unlike other interfaith and conflict resolution programs, which play
down fundamental dissimilarities between people in favor of emphasizing what
they have in common, CEDAR places difference squarely at the top of the
agenda. In fact, the key to CEDAR’s approach is the requirement that
participants confront one another’s differencesand then learn how to live
with them anyway. In two intensive weeks, they experience unfamiliar
religious customs, grapple with beliefs that contradict their own, reexamine
lifelong assumptions, and figure out how to share time and space.
Through a combination of lectures, site visits, and hands-on
learning, fellows ultimately come to appreciate difference, while at the same
time affirming their own communal identities. As we all value our
identitythat which makes us who we are and so different from othersany
successful program on intercommunal relations must be one that values
differences over commonalities.
In recent years several religious leaders and academics have been
inspired by their CEDAR experience to develop affiliates using this model in
East Africa, southern Africa, Canada, and the Balkans. As a result, CEDAR is
fast becoming a pioneering global network, and as the organization enters its
second decade, it is also expanding its scope beyond religion to address
national, tribal, linguistic, and sexual differences.
Engaging with the “other” in a practical and constructive way
prepares CEDAR fellows to apply their experiences in their home communities
when the school is over. They return uniquely equipped to help the disparate
groups where they live understand each other better and tolerate each other
more as a result
CEDARCommunities Engaging with Difference and Religion
610 Centre Street, Suite A Newton, MA 02458 USA info@CEDARnetwork.org